Use "gulped his food|gulp his food" in a sentence

1. She told the kids not to gulp down their food.

2. He gulped down the remainder of his coffee.

3. Someone had been poisoning his food.

4. His mouth was stuffed with food.

5. He's terribly finicky about his food.

6. His former classmate kept his eyes fixed on his food while Wyatt talked.

7. There was food for his enfeebled eyes.

8. He is very particular about his food.

9. Lack of food had stunted his growth.

10. She laced his food with sleeping pills.

11. 29 His doctor warned him to reduce his daily food intake.

12. 3 Never separated from his plastic bag with his macrobiotic food.

13. 1 His children were dwarfed by insufficient food.

14. His remarks gave us much food for thought.

15. The traveler bargained his watch away for food.

16. 14 His food will turn sour inside him;

17. The nurse forced the food into his mouth.

18. His illness was initially diagnosed as food poisoning.

19. 13 The nurse forced the food into his mouth.

20. The child soon finished the food on his plate.

21. His uncle found the boy in food and clothing.

22. He almost gagged on his first mouthful of food.

23. Hell's brimstone his food, consumed from birth, in solitude.

24. He eats bland food because of his stomach trouble.

25. He could not get enough food for his family.

26. His watery eyes brightened at the thought of food.

27. His stomach was distended because of lack of food.

28. 🔊 The Ailing dog refused to eat his food

29. His father's advice gave the boy food for thought.

30. It seemed to parch his mouth as he gulped it down.

31. Job 33:20 So that his life Abhors bread, and his soul dainty food

32. He finished off his drink with one large gulp.

33. 11 His uncle found the boy in food and clothing.

34. His crude master grudged him even the food he ate.

35. The boy had indigestion,and he regurgitated all his food.

36. He fell onto the sofa, his stomach bloated with food.

37. 3 He eats only bland food because of his ulcer.

38. 21 He put a pinch of salt on his food.

39. The hungry man greedily shovelled the food into his mouth.

40. ‘Nefesh’ [neʹphesh] is the person himself, his need for food, the very blood in his veins, his being.”

41. Iyov 33:20 (OJB) So that his life Abhorreth lechem, and his nefesh dainty food

42. Nathan returned his attention to his notes and began to eat, wolfing down the food.

43. The main point of his essay was that population multiplies geometrically and food Arithmetically, therefore whenever the food supply

44. Junk food can have adverse effects on his ability to concentrate.

45. His company offers a flexible packaging service for the food industry.

46. I think he's running a temperature, and he's off his food.

47. He has his servants fill up all their bags with food.

48. His fans agree that chef Julian 's food is beyond compare.

49. Over the food, Richard blurted out what was on his mind.

50. When you gulp down food that is not thoroughly chewed, the stomach secretes more acid to aid in digesting it.

51. 11 The one who cultivates his land will be satisfied with food,+

52. 23 His company offers a flexible packaging service for the food industry.

53. His neighbour's mongrel had the unfortunate habit of strolling next door and urinating in his police dog's food.

54. 8 A twerp would spit in his lunch or touch his food because he has a germ phobia.

55. When his whisky came he drank half of it in one gulp.

56. His case seems to be related to allergies to food, dust, and mites.

57. His food is homemade doughnuts with smashed-up goose livers injected into them.

58. 4 Jesus was even more concerned about providing spiritual food to his followers.

59. We Administered the medicine to our dog by mixing it in his food.

60. We Administered the medicine to our dog by mixing it in his food

61. His food is a feast for the eyes as well as the palate.

62. And yippee, Justin no longer refuses to wipe off his own food crumbs!

63. He feasted on his favorite food and treats and received a free check-up.

64. And again, food could be said to be the ordering principle of his vision.

65. His food came - they don't mess about here and he reached for the salt.

66. He wants to become a rabbi, and his favorite food is schnitzel and chips.

67. And she saw old Billy, his toothless gums mumbling away at the mashed-up food she spooned into his mouth.

68. A person might seek to improve his health by eating food that is nutritious.

69. 6 It was 30 minutes before rescuers could dislodge the food from his throat.

70. 18 God does not suggest that his people subsist on some austere food regimen.

71. Think about his desperate need for food, and observe the empty bowl he carries.

72. But more often than not, his relentless pursuit of food leads Rubbish into trouble.

73. After he began to show signs of arthritis, aspirin was added to his food.

74. Hunters to survive in the desolate and uninhabited places, Marmota meat became his food.

75. Four years ago, Johnson contracted food poisoning prior to the Olympics, the illness sapping his strength and ruining his conditioning.

76. 16 And she saw old Billy, his toothless gums mumbling away at the mashed-up food she spooned into his mouth.

77. Ferreira motions to me to slowly exit the scene while JD focuses on his food.

78. Pomiane chose for his career the study of biology, specialising in food chemistry and dietetics.

79. What son of a king would accept a man's hospitality eat his food, drink his wine, then steal his wife in the middle of the night?

80. has been carried over to the food via the food additive, food enzyme or food flavouring; and